
I'm Lisa Kirk, a wife, mama, writer, and founder. Since 2010, Something Pretty has been home to my favorite memories, reflections, and inspirations. Thanks so much for reading!

Love List


Happy Friday! Cheers to making it through week six (give or take depending on where you live, of course!) of quarantine. The strangeness of the world right now hit me in a big way this week at Azelie’s two-month pediatrician appointment. Especially since we have a newborn in the house, we’ve been taking social distancing and our stay-at-home orders very seriously–I think that appointment was the second time I’ve stepped foot into another building than my house since this all started. Putting on my mask and wrapping Azelie up in the Solly wrap to cover her face made me feel half-supermom and half-panicky mess, which seems like a pretty good description of this whole experience for me. Friends, we are living out something I think we all would have considered impossible three months ago. Going through the postpartum season while also being confined to my home with my extroverted preschooler for two months minimum? Yup, I would have told you there’s NO FREAKING WAY I could make it through that. But, while some days can only be described as a disaster, others are actually incredibly precious. I can’t wait till this is over and we can go to church, hug our friends, and enjoy our city again, but in the meantime, there is something so affirming about the fact that no matter how it looks, we’re getting through this…one day at a time.

On to some things I’m loving this week!

1. I’ve had my eye on Weezie towels for a while, so I couldn’t say yes quickly enough when they asked if they could send me something to try! Their adorable makeup towel set showed up in my mailbox a few days later, and I instantly understood all the hype about their brand…it might be the best towel I’ve ever used. I love this navy set for washing my face (protecting my poor white towels from my makeup in the process), and am now saving up for their starter pack of bath and hand towels. Their makeup towels or adorable robes would both make such sweet Mother’s Day gifts!

2. Last year, I tested a bunch of different chocolate chip cookie recipes in the hopes of finding my perfect one. The clear winner to both Dave and me was this recipe from Elisabeth & Butter. I made a batch using my new KitchenAid mixer this week and was reaffirmed that yes, they really are the best! The only change I make to the recipe is using two cups of chocolate chips instead of three…this coming from someone who considers chocolate chips one of her favorite foods, I promise it’s enough!

3. I’ve been wanting a new sheet set for ages, and after spotting Emily‘s blue and white floral sheets on her Instagram Stories, I couldn’t message her quickly enough to find out the source. Turns out, they’re this $60 set (in white/blue floral) from Target! Anything that looks like it could be from Caitlin Wilson but is super budget-friendly is an automatic “add to cart” for me, and this was no exception. I love how they look in our room and the way the fabric strikes just the right balance between crisp and cozy–perfect for spring/summer.

4. Speaking of Caitlin Wilson, have you SEEN her new Cait Kids line?! Completely dreamy. In an unlimited budget world, I’d snap up this dresser for Charlie, this crib sheet for Azelie, this wallpaper for an accent wall in the playroom, and this wallpaper for my closet :)

5. Our front door makeover is officially underway! This was one of my favorite updates we did to our last house, so I know it’ll have a similar impact here. We are going with this color on both the front and back of the door, which I am SO excited about. Just waiting on this handle and this knocker to arrive and then we’ll get started!

To add to my new weekly Love Lists, I’m going to be including a question for you at the end of each post. Chime in in the comments below so I can get to know you better and we can wrap up the week together! Since I have quite a few home-related things on this week’s list, I’d love to know: what is your number one favorite spot in your house right now? Mine is in the glider that we have set up in our bedroom–it gives me the perfect view of our confederate rose bushes one way and the most-finished room in the house the other :)






  1. Jadzia says:

    Going to make the cookies today!!
    Your door update is going to look great! I love the color and that door knocker!

  2. Happy Friday! I keep hearing a-ma-zing things about Weezie towels, and I’ve added them to my ongoing wish list. Elisabeth and Butter’s recipes are always a hit in our house (about ten of them are in heavy rotation!), and Rob keeps asking again for the peanut butter dark chocolate chip sea salt cookies after I made a batch last week. Her recipes are the best! And my favorite spot in our house is a tie between the corner of our couch in the living room (so sunny and cozy – and open to the rest of the downstairs) or curled up out on our deck looking at the little lake and the trees/flowers blooming. I am SO grateful we have a house and a yard that we love , now more than ever!

  3. We actually just moved last week and have a TON more space than the little apartment we were living in. So I am loving not having one particular corner that’s my only option for where to go, haha. But my favorite is probably sitting in our backyard getting sunshine (we moved to Florida!).

  4. Dana says:

    New door is on the project list for almost every house we’re looking at. Some can use new paint (why are all the doors red or neon orange?!) and some are just super 90s style. I am excited for your pink house :)

  5. Kate says:

    We live in a tiny apartment, so we’ve just been moving from the couch to the bed. (May need to pick up some of those blue and white sheets to give us something different to look at, ha!) We are very jealous of anyone who has a yard or even an apartment balcony right now!

  6. Katrina says:

    Oooh love this list! Aren’t Kitchenaids life changing!?
    My favorite spot in my house right now is on the window seat in our bright white shiplapped sun room. I specifically love this spot early in the morning when the sun is peaking up, nobody else is awake, I’m wearing my Lake jammies, and I have a mug of tea. The best!

    • Lisa says:

      Totally life-changing! I made tiramisu with it for our anniversary and officially do not know why I had ever bothered trying before I had one…it made such a huge difference!
      Your sun room sounds absolutely idyllic! I think all mornings are lovelier in Lake pajamas :)

  7. Kerstin says:

    Ahhh, yes! I totally agree with you on the best chocolate chip cookies from Elisabeth and Butter! They are delicious!
    My favorite spot in the house right now is our guest room actually! I don’t usually spend any time in there. But it has become our makeshift office during this season and it has the best view! I love being up there early in the morning watching the sun come up shining through the Spanish moss of the live oaks and our big Magnolia tree right in front of the window!
    Also: that Anthropologie door knocker! Gah! And I can’t wait to see the front door in that dreamy peachy color!

    • Lisa says:

      Your view sounds glorious!! I wish we had Spanish moss by us–I love it so much. My guest room/office windows overlook our azaleas, which is nice, but I think they are about done for the season!

  8. Em says:

    Love, love those sheets and so glad we are now sheet twins! :) My favorite part of my house right now is actually not in my house – it’s our backyard!

    • Lisa says:

      Thank you for the recommendation!! Your backyard is delightful so I am not surprised! :)

  9. Shannon D. says:

    My number one spot right now is our back patio. We finally invested in some durable patio furniture last summer, and during the quarantine I’ve made a flower garden in the backyard with bird feeders, a bird bath and wind chime. We have a big play set out here so the kids play and I have a place to relax and enjoy.
    I want to do a front porch/door makeover too, so I’m excited to see yours!

    • Lisa says:

      Oh, that sounds so lovely! Would love to hear about what types of flowers you’ve planted :) We are toying with the idea of starting a garden but I’m so intimidated by it!


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