
I'm Lisa Kirk, a wife, mama, writer, and founder. Since 2010, Something Pretty has been home to my favorite memories, reflections, and inspirations. Thanks so much for reading!

Even though this July is different from years past, it’s still one of my favorite months. It’s hard not to be happy smack dab in the middle of summer! This month, I’m looking forward to finishing most of my summer classes, starting a new blog series (coming up Thursday!), and celebrating the 4th of July […]


Happy May 1st! May marks the end of my senior year of college, my month of summer break, and lots of graduations. I’ve been very slowly adjusting to the idea of graduating a year late over this past year, and even though I’m proud of the choices I’ve made in my four years of college, […]


Happy March 1! I can practically feel spring break getting closer. :) As you may remember, I’m starting out each month with a round-up of inspiration in all different categories. This is a really fun exercise for me, and it definitely helps me focus in on what I’m really drawn to at the moment, which […]


My favorite months of the year are April , June, December, and November…yes, I know that’s one third of the months, but John is even worse…he picked nine favorites. :)  Regardless, I am pretty excited to be at the start of one of my favorite months, and lots of great things are coming up to […]


Today I thought I’d do something different and answer a few questions that I get asked a lot. Before you jump to conclusions thinking that readers I don’t know personally are emailing me for advice, know that most of these questions are from people that I know in real life who know I love weddings […]


Pinterest is a total godsend to bloggers and inspiration-obsessed people. It is such an easy way to categorize pictures, and most importantly, keep track of the sources. I frequently “pin” the gorgeous pictures I find in my daily blog rounds, so if you’re ever looking for more Something Pretty, my pinterest is a good place […]


Happy Thursday! Since I’m in Austin for a few days, I thought I would have one of my gorgeous friends guest post today’s Thursday Love List. Jackie and I met during out freshman year at Franciscan University in Ohio, and even though we both transferred away, we recently got back in touch and bonded over […]


Bridesmaid dresses can be a tricky thing to figure out. Brides want a look that’s cohesive and complementary to their wedding vision, while still flattering her friends’ various figures, not breaking their banks, and hopefully choosing something they’ll want to wear again. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is with mismatched bridesmaid dresses, […]



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