
I'm Lisa Kirk, a wife, mama, writer, and founder. Since 2010, Something Pretty has been home to my favorite memories, reflections, and inspirations. Thanks so much for reading!

Life Lately


Friends! Let’s play a little catch-up. This spring has marked an exciting new season for me, both professionally as I’ve been working on something new (SO much to share in the coming months, I promise!) and personally as Charlie and Azelie have hit some fun milestones. Charlie wrapped up his preschool year last week, which was so bittersweet–we are incredibly grateful for his amazing school and a safe, healthy, in-person year. Azelie started walking this spring, and it’s wild to see how much this newfound skill has brought out her personality! Girlfriend has a major mischievous streak that keeps us on our toes. We’re now a week into summer break and have a few big trips, plus lots of fun local adventures, on the calendar. Before turning ahead toward all those things, though, I’d love to share some favorite memories from this spring.

I turned 31! My birthday fell in the middle of the week, which is always a little anti-climactic, but we made the best of it with iced coffee and croissants from Layered in the morning, a date night at Jolie, and a delicious chocolate raspberry cake I made to check off my monthly baking goal.

We celebrated SIX years since this magical day with a trip to our reception venue! When I lived in Chapel Hill, we used to pop by Fearrington at least every other month, but it had been over two years since we last visited. The kids loved seeing the animals (there are Belted Galloway cows, goats, and chickens on the property) and wandering around the exquisite gardens, and Dave and I loved reminiscing about our wedding and early days of marriage.

My birthday present from Dave was a staycation at Guest House while my mom was in town. Such a treat! For years, we lamented the shortage of boutique hotels in Raleigh, but over the past few years, some absolutely amazing ones have popped up. We were all too excited to enjoy one ourselves for the first time! Guest House is beautiful, so thoughtfully designed and stocked, and is within easy walking distance of our beloved Benchwarmers Bagels. We already can’t wait to go back!

We enjoyed plenty of spring flowers and produce, many thanks to a nearby strawberry farm, the giant peony bush on the side of our house, and the farmer’s market! Raleigh is so lovely in spring, and especially after not being able to make the most of it last year, we’ve been cherishing this spring even more.

One last little teaser of a few big moments captured in selfie form! Both shots are from right before or right after video calls with people in Italy…and that’s all I’m going to say for now ;)

What have you been up to lately? I signed off of Instagram for a few weeks, so please do catch me up on anything fun going on with you–any favorite spring moments? Summer plans? I’d love to hear!






  1. Teresa says:

    Oh, Lisa, this post makes my day! I have missed reading your blog so much and I basically check it daily hoping for a dose of something lovely :) I’m thrilled to hear that you have exciting new projects and can’t wait to learn more.

    Your birthday cake looks delicious, and I always love hearing about how people celebrate their birthdays. And your peony bush is heavenly! My favorites!

    • Lisa says:

      Teresa, you are so sweet!! Thank you so, so much for your support and sweet encouragement. I do hope to get into a more regular (albeit a little different) posting cadence soon :) Hope you’re having a wonderful start to the summer!

  2. Emma says:

    I agree with Teresa! Thanks for popping in to say hi and your teasers are seriously intriguing!!! I am happy for you and this new adventure, whatever it may be. Your after-the-call smile says it all: this project is already so fulfilling for you :)
    My big spring update is that, after 4 years of working toward this goal, we FINALLY moved from NC to CA! My husband and I are both from CA and spent the last 14 years in NC. We both applied to jobs and, after a VERY long interview process, were granted offers on March 3 and March 4… then we packed everything up, sold the house, got on a plane, and landed in CA on March 15. (!!) It was a whirlwind, to say the least. The rest of spring was more whirling but we are happily settled in, my son loves his new school, and my husband and I are enjoying this new version of life. It’s gearing up to be a great summer!

    • Lisa says:

      Thank you so much, Emma! I really can’t wait to share and I hate being mysterious, haha! Just need to wait on a few things before I’m ready to shout from the rooftops :)

      Congratulations on your move!! It sounds like SO many pieces had to come together to make it happen and I’m thrilled for you that it all aligned. Hope you have a wonderful summer of settling in!

  3. Dana says:

    Azelie and the peony bush! What a lovely spring!


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