
I'm Lisa Kirk, a wife, mama, writer, and founder. Since 2010, Something Pretty has been home to my favorite memories, reflections, and inspirations. Thanks so much for reading!

February Goals


Before writing this post, I went and took a peek back at the goal posts I wrote the month of Charlie’s due date (September 2016) and a few weeks after he was born (October 2016). Thinking back on those tender months brought back a flood of emotions—it’s hard to believe there was ever a time in our lives when we didn’t know our sweet little boy. Nothing currently brings me to tears faster than thinking about saying goodbye to Charlie and this wild, precious season of our lives as just the three of us before leaving for the hospital (yup, tearing up just typing it!!), but at the same time, I know that soon, we won’t be able to imagine life without our daughter either. In a much deeper way than I knew as I waited on Charlie’s arrival, I trust that God created her especially for our family and our family especially for her. I can hardly wait to see who she is and what she’s like!

January Favorites:
1. We recently bought a new kettle after realizing that without a warming center on our new house’s stove, our coffee was getting cold by the time we finished the pourover process. We bought and returned a less expensive one (it was way too small) before going with this sleek matte black option. It couldn’t be easier to use and looks so good on the counter!
2. I made this farro bowl recipe the other night and it was a winner! It’s one of those unicorn recipes that checks all the boxes: healthy, filling, inexpensive, and easy to prep.
3. St. Francis de Sales has been pursuing me in a big way over the last few weeks. One of my biggest struggles is being intensely harsh with myself in moments when I fail, especially when it comes to motherhood or work. I was first really introduced to him through The Heart of Perfection and was intrigued, but it wasn’t until Dave insisted I listen to this podcast episode that I knew it was time to deep-dive into his wisdom. Ever since picking it up, An Introduction to the Devout Life has felt like honey to my soul that couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.
4. One of the last few items on my pre-baby shopping list was a new Boppy pillow cover, but they can be so pricey! I was excited to come across this sweet, vintage-y floral one for under $10.
5. Another coffee-related favorite ;) I usually take just a splash of almond milk in my morning cup, but after treating myself to pumpkin and peppermint mocha creamers over the holidays, I wasn’t ready to switch back. Enter this Coffee Mate Oat Milk Creamer…I’ve been amazed that even a tiny bit makes my normal coffee taste like a creamy vanilla latte. Yum!

January Goal Progress:
1. Compose a short prayer to say before doing the daily readings each morning. Write it out and stick it in my journal so I’ll see and say it every day. (Would you be interested in me sharing this? Let me know!)
2. Make a list of activities that our whole family finds joy in and add a few to our January calendar.
3. Write an updated list of house chores and split them up with Dave. Post the lists near our family calendar.
4. Decorate the nursery. (So close–just waiting on curtains to be delivered!)
5. Write a monthly prep time checklist to refer to each month.
6. Map out twelve wellness focal areas for the year + blog my action steps for January.
7. Share how we’re celebrating Ordinary Time. (Shared a few feast day celebrations on Instagram Stories, but still want to do a blog post next week!
8. Write out ideas for activities I find truly restful that I can choose from each week.

February Goals:
1. Read a little bit of The Introduction to the Devout Life daily (a few sentences to a few pages–whatever I need that day).
2. Schedule a few fun little activities for Dave, Charlie, and me to enjoy throughout the month before baby girl is born.
3. Do a deep clean of the house before our parents arrive.
4. Finish decorating the nursery and hang art downstairs.
5. Complete February prep time plus some advance March prep (mainly birthday cards/gifts I don’t want to forget about).
6. Blog “year of wellness” plan and action steps for February.
7. Blog about Ordinary Time and share Blessed Is She post (going live at the end of the month) about preparing for Lent in an unpredictable season. Baby girl’s due date is a few days before Ash Wednesday, so this has been top of mind!
8. Enjoy getting my hair cut and my nails done.
9. Have a baby! :)






  1. Rachel Sweet says:

    Love love love introduction to the devout life. I had a very similar experience with Saint Francis De Sales and I can confidently say that i have never read a more beautiful book 😍😍. So excited to see your baby girl!
    My second is coming in April so I’m excited to see how it goes with two!

    • Lisa says:

      So excited to hear that you loved the book too! I’m just chapters in but it has already been so impactful. Praying for these last few months of your pregnancy! :)

  2. Em says:

    Can’t wait to read about the year of wellness! And good for you for hanging art – it always takes me SO long to commit to a plan! :)

    • Lisa says:

      I am pretty stuck on our bedroom art, but we finally got things up in the living area yesterday! Crazy how much of an impact it has!

  3. Caley says:

    Have a baby!!!
    The happiest goal this month x

  4. emma says:

    Thank you for sharing the recipe! Good luck with all of the things this month, sounds like a wild and FUN ride! :)) I’ll be thinking of and praying for you while you navigate these impending changes. <3

  5. Dana says:

    I’ve never been more excited for February because the little baby is coming!!!


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