
I'm Lisa Kirk, a wife, mama, writer, and founder. Since 2010, Something Pretty has been home to my favorite memories, reflections, and inspirations. Thanks so much for reading!

June Goals


I usually try to post my goals as early in the month as I can, but I’m glad that I didn’t get to my June goals until a little later. Last week, I spent a few days almost completely offline so I could pray and reflect, followed by a few days of being online more than usual to start reading, listening, and learning with fresh eyes and an open heart. As a result, some of these goals involve continued plugging away at my yearly goals, which I want to make steady progress on each month, but I’ve also added a few action items that I pray are the start of a lifelong journey toward more active anti-racism. I hope that my Black readers, especially, see the fruits of that in the days, months, and years to come. And to those women…thank you for being here. I am grateful for you and I deeply desire to serve you better in this space.

May Goal Progress
1. Wake up before Azelie as often as I can so I have time for prayer journaling. (Yikes…not once. She started waking up earlier so this time frame just did not work. Plan B in June goals!)
2. Go strawberry picking again and then make a dairy-free strawberry shortcake with Charlie.
3. Clean the rooms in our house that get less traffic.
4. Start brainstorming a design for the guest room/my office.
5. Do some intentional summer planning.
6. Catch up on sharing recent Blessed Is She posts + write my post for June.
7. Practice grace and gratitude as I head back to work.
8. Finish reading two fiction books + start reading a chapter of Les Misérables every day. (Need to catch up on Les Mis!)

June Goals
1. Carve out time during the day to prayer journal with Charlie.
2. Invest in one new book for each member of our family to start adding more diversity to all of our bookshelves.
3. Curate the list of educational resources and recommendations I’ve been saving over the last week and start working through them.
4. Make use of our neighborhood pool weekly!
5. Experiment with doing one big cleaning night per week (everyday tasks like dishes and laundry excluded).
6. Help plan a big Kirk family photo session that will take place later this summer.
7. Do some intentional summer planning.
8. Start doing our grocery shopping by myself once a week. I haven’t been inside a store since the beginning of March! Ready to save on grocery pick-up upcharge and have that time to be alone and out of the house.

Year of wellness focal area: sun protection! Keep an eye out for a giveaway Steph and I are running on Instagram later this month :)

What is on your radar for the month ahead?






  1. Emma says:

    That’s so nice you have access to a pool in the new neighborhood! Also lol to grocery store alone-time. No judgement, of course, it’s just that I can relate! :) At the beginning of stay-home orders my husband asked if I wanted him to do the shopping that day and my immediate response was, “do NOT take this from me!”

  2. Mary says:

    Ate those hydrangeas at your house? They are beautiful!! Amen to grocery shopping alone. You could really take it next level and bring your earbuds and listen to a podcast/whatever music you want in the store. I haven’t done this but I’ve seen people do it! Lol!

  3. Dana says:

    I’ll buy book for the little ones!


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