Happy New Year!! Don’t be fooled by these photos…this is definitely not what I wore to ring in 2019. On the contrary, I’m typing this at 9 P.M. on New Year’s Eve, already wearing pajamas, with my pre-half-marathon 10:00 bedtime quickly approaching. I might be running as you’re reading this, so a quick prayer would be much appreciated :) I’ll be recapping my whole experience of training and running next week, and will post on Instagram when I’m done today, if you’re interested in following along!
Running aside, the last two weeks in Texas have given me so much mental space to look back on this last year and reflect. A year ago, we were one day away from Dave’s CPA study schedule starting, I was a few months into freelancing, and Charlie had JUST learned to walk. And now, here we are–Dave is a CPA, Charlie not only walks, but also talks in full sentences and has conversations with us all the live long day. I’m working part-time for a company I’ve admired since college, doing work I LOVE, while also getting to be home with Charlie and pursue other projects that I feel called to (like writing for Blessed Is She). God’s generosity throughout this year has truly astounded me.
I do want you to know that the year has been full of challenges too–I didn’t always handle Dave’s study schedule gracefully. The tasks that come with running a household have overwhelmed me embarrassingly often, especially when trying to be the best employee I can be + a present mama and wife have felt like more than a full-time job themselves. We collapsed exhausted in front of the TV as soon as Charlie went to bed on more nights than not. I went weeks without blogging for the first time in years–this space is my favorite hobby, and when I can’t find time for it, I know I’ve taken on too much. Especially in the second half of the year, I’ve felt like I was constantly juggling ten balls, and none of them was unimportant enough to be dropped or put down. That feeling has stood out to me even more than our family’s accomplishments from 2018, which is why my word for 2019 is rest.
I know the hours in the day won’t multiply as we start this new year. I know my obligations won’t lessen. But, I want to be better about using the hours I do have to do things that bring me true rest and rejuvenation. I don’t know exactly what that looks like yet, but I know how it’ll make me feel–not like I put some of those balls I’m juggling down, but rather, that I put them in slow-motion so I could step away for a minute to stretch out my arms. I love being a wife, being a mother, being a writer, and being a homemaker (as outdated as that word can sound). A lack of rest in 2018 stole a little of the joy from those roles sometimes, and I’m convinced that MORE intentional rest will make each role I hold all the sweeter and more rewarding. At least, that is my sincere hope.
Do you have a word for the year? I’d love to hear what it is and why you chose it below so I can cheer you on and pray for you!
Hi Lisa. My word for this year is actually a verse in Isaiah 43:19, where God is saying, “See, I am doing something new!…” This is my theme. 2018’s last half was quite a rough patch for me, so with this verse in mind, I know everything is going to be ALRIGHT.
Delight in God’s promises and hold steadfast on to them. He is a faithful God.
What a beautiful post, Lisa! I love reading about the words people select for their years ahead. What a perfect word for you after a busy, busy 2018!
[…] I mentioned in my first post of 2019, we’re anticipating another full year in the Kirk house, but I’m excited that getting […]
I like what you said about being a wife, mama, worker, and homemaker! And I totally agree that it is hard to be all of those things at the same time. Sometimes, the dishes will just have to sit, or the kid will have to go play with dad so that the dishes don’t have to sit! At least we get to choose where to put our attention, and that we are conscious enough to know that we are intentionally ignoring something.
I was debating on a word for the year but couldn’t pick just one. So, I wrote a whole mission statement :)
I’ll send you some rest in the second half of the year! I’ll have an abundance! Maybe some week long babysitting is in my future :)
[…] cut down on screen time in favor of reading, quality time, hobbies, and genuine rest. As you know, rest is my word of the year for 2019, and I hope to live that word out most through this goal. More often than not, I know […]
My word for the year is COURAGE. I was inspired during my last confession when my spiritual director said to me… “Courage”. We adopted our 3rd child a few months ago and she has down syndrome- recently had open heart surgery and we adopted her from out of state. The separation from each other, while she spent 40 days in the NICU and then the open heart surgery put a lot of stress on us. But she is amazing and the greatest blessing to our family! The boys love her and so do we. It brought us a lot closer, as does each adoption. One day when I was reading from St. Theresa of Avila…” To have Courage for whatever comes in life… everything lies in that” really moved me. So that is my word. God Bless you! Jenny
Wow, Jenny, thank you so much for sharing this piece of your story. It sounds like you are already an incredibly courageous person and mama, and I pray that only continues. My niece has Down’s syndrome and she lights up all of our lives–we have such a special, special place in our hearts for beautiful families like yours! xoxo