
I'm Lisa Kirk, a wife, mama, writer, and founder. Since 2010, Something Pretty has been home to my favorite memories, reflections, and inspirations. Thanks so much for reading!

What to Wear to a Christmas Church Service


UPDATE 12/2018: Hi! If you found this post through a Google or Pinterest search, welcome to Something Pretty. I’m so glad the internet led you here! A little heads up, I’m currently updating this post to include in-stock products, hopefully making it a more useful resource to you if you need it. Wishing you a joyful Christmas!

I want to preface this post by saying that attending church is NOT about what you wear–you can show up in workout clothes if you need to and it will still be wonderful that you’re there! But, that said, it has been on my heart lately that people who don’t attend church regularly but are going for Christmas Eve/Christmas may feel some butterflies, and even a little bit of anxiety, about going. I don’t know about y’all, but I often get nervous being in new situations, and as shallow as it may sound, not knowing what would be appropriate to wear is often part of that. If I can help take that guesswork out of the equation for someone, I’ll consider this post a success :) And so, here are a few “outfit recipes,” if you will, that would be just right for Christmas church services, and if you’re attending church this coming weekend, I’d love for you to chime in with your outfit plans in the comments below to provide some more ideas!

A tartan shirt with a midi skirt (from this post)

A bow sweater with velvet pants and cute flats (from this post)

A long-sleeved dress with nude pumps and red lipstick

A printed shirtdress and festive flats






  1. Kristina says:

    Great post Lisa! I have been asked before by friends what they should wear to church and think it is a questions that occurs to most people who don’t attend church regularly.
    I will wear a coated black skirt and a chunky and cozy sweater with warm boots. Churches in Germany are rarly well heated so being cozy and warm is important ;-)

  2. Dana says:

    So we’re all wearing Christmas jammies to church this year? Charlie is going to look better than all of us!

  3. Abbi Hearne says:

    This is an awesome post. I love your preface about helping people feel more comfortable and prepared! I totally see where you’re coming from, it’s awesome God put that on your heart. I love how you used these other ladies’ outfits – encouraging fellow women!! So cool to see how God is using your blog. Merry Christmas friend!

  4. Sidney says:

    Cute, cute, cute! I’ve been planning my outfit in my head for a couple of weeks now :) any chance you have pocket book links for any of these images?
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Lisa says:

      Hi Sidney! The blog posts these images are from are all linked, and they should have the links to the products they’re wearing on their sites!

  5. Nice outfits. They are different but stunning.

  6. Rhiannon says:

    Merry Christmas, Lisa! I hope it’s a magical season for you three :) xoxo

  7. This is so sweet :) Very thoughtful of you to encourage those who may not know what to wear, in such a kind way! Love all your picks too – some of my favorite fashion blogs!!


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