
I'm Lisa Kirk, a wife, mama, writer, and founder. Since 2010, Something Pretty has been home to my favorite memories, reflections, and inspirations. Thanks so much for reading!

Rodeo Sweet


One of my favorite things to read on other blogs is outfit posts. I love seeing how people style themselves for different occasions, or how they put outfits together to make every day a little more special. After all, life is too short to wear an outfit you don’t love, right? :)

Occasion: My first rodeo! Spring break in Houston, Texas with my mom and sister. We had a blast, and bull riding is officially the most intense sport I’ve ever seen!

Inspiration: I wrote about my rodeo outfit inspiration yesterday, but woke up to weather a little too chilly and windy for dresses or tank tops. I came up with this look instead.

{Forever 21 tank, Mango cardigan, American Eagle skinny jeans, Steve Madden boots, purse from Cinque Terre, Italy, vintage locket necklace}

This outfit kept me warm while we walked around outside, looked at all the animals, ate good Texan bbq, shopped all the vendors, watched the rodeo, and enjoyed the Tim McGraw concert. It also incorporated the muted florals I wanted to wear through this cute neckline, and most importantly, I still got to show off one of my favorite pairs of shoes! :)

Have a delightful day!








  1. Meri says:

    You look really cute and casual, I’m sure it was a perfect outfit for rodeo. I have never been so I have no idea but it sounds quite intense! Hope you had a good time :)

  2. Kathryn says:

    So jealous you got to go to a Tim McGraw concert! Love him. You look so cute Lisa! Perfect for a rodeo… which I’ve always wanted to go to one by the way. I’m so glad you did an outfit post too! :) The first one is always the most nerve wracking, and it only gets easier. Love it dear! xo



  3. Kristen says:

    I also took a boot and stadium picture! :D


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